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News and photography subscription

Lithuanian news agency ELTA publishes over 600 articles and photos daily on key events in Lithuania and abroad. It provides news, daily press reviews and an ELTA guide: a summary of key upcoming events and photo reports, anniversaries, dates and astrology forecasts. ELTA was the first in Lithuania to apply the genres of interviews and commentaries that were unusual for agencies but have become common since.
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Press releases

Press releases of Lithuanian and foreign state and private entities, public organisations and individuals about their activities, achievements and events are published on the “Press releases” column.
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Photo and video reports

Daily events in politics, business, culture, law enforcement and sports as well as footage of cities, landscapes and people.
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Conference hall rent

News agency ELTA invites you to hold press conferences in business centre VERTAS, Gynėjų St. 16, 1st floor. We will take care of dissemination of your press releases on ELTA platforms, film and broadcast the event, provide photography and other services for the press conference to proceed smoothly.
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Publication of press releases is a paid service.
Please contact us by email at [email protected]
Video is a paid service.
Please contact us by email at [email protected]
Atsiprašome, šiuo metu pranešimas redaguojamas
Redaguoja Jonas Jonaitis
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